The Triumph Arch is one of the emblematic monuments of Paris, even if it is not the only one since, since its invention by the Romans, triumphal arches have been built in many cities, mainly in Europe. Perspective is important. The Bastille Day parade, which leaves from the Triumph Arch to reach the Place de la Concorde, is each year a moment of national unity and international outreach, which also gives France the opportunity to honor its allies. This painting looks back on a historical stance illustrating the importance taken by Thailand on the international stage. Initially neutral, Siam sided with the Allies in July 1917. At the end of the summer of 1918, the King of Siam took the unprecedented decision to send 1,300 soldiers to fight in Europe. Siam was the only belligerent country in Southeast Asia to be a signatory to the Treaty of Versailles. The Siamese troops therefore had the opportunity to parade under the Triumph Arch on July 14th, 1919. Some contemporary elements have been added to this painting, such as the Patrouille de France, but also part of the posthumous ephemeral work of the artists spouses Christo and Jeanne-Claude whose team packed the Triumph Arch in 2021.

The Victory Parade of July 14, 1919

L'Arc de Triomphe empaqueté,
A masterpiece from the artist couple Christo (1935-2020) and Jeanne-Claude (1935-2009)