Some works are timeless. Yet the great masters each marked their era. Here, extracts from paintings bygreat French masters from the 15th to the 20th century intersect and respond to each other, sometimes several centuries apart, like these card players. Theheroic mingles with everyday life, the sacred with the profane. A character of Thai culture, Hanuman has lost himself in the middle of this mosaic in the Art Deco style: did you find him ?

List of the museums where these artworks are stored:
1. Colart de Laon - Prière au Jardin des Oliviers (1407, Christ in the Garden of Olives), stored at the Prado Museum (Spain), featuring the donor Louis I of Orleans
2. Raoul Dufy - Rue Pavoisée (1906), stored at the National Museum of Modern Art (France) - the Centre national d’art et culture Georges Pompidou
3. Martial Raysse - Made in Japan - La Grande Odalisque (1964), stored at National Museum of Modern Art (France) which acquired it in 1995 thanks to a donation from the Scaler Foundation
4. François Boucher - Renaud et Armide (1734), stored at the Louvre Museum (France)
5. Eugène Delacroix - La Liberté guidant le peuple (1830, Liberty Leading the People), stored at Louvre Museum (France)
6. Nicolas de Staël - Provence (1954), private collection
7. Marc Chagall - La promenade (1918, The Walk), stored at the Russian Museum of Saint-Petersbourg (Russia)
8. Edgar Degas - École de Danse (1873, The Dance Class), stored at the Orsay Museum (France)
9. Jean Dubuffet - Un barbare en Europe (1975, A Barbarian in Europe), stored at the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum (Spain) until August 21, 2022
10. Théodore Géricault - Le Radeau de La Méduse (1819, The Raft of the Medusa), stored at the Louvre Museum (France)
11. Pierre Soulages - Dix-neuf peintures au Louvre (2015), stored at the Soulages Museum (France) | For more information on Pierre Soulages, please click here
12. Frères Le Nain - Les joueurs de cartes (1635, Card Players), stored at Granet Museum (France)
13. Paul Cézanne - Les joueurs de cartes (1895, The Card Players), stored at the Orsay Museum (France)
14. Henri Matisse - La Danse (1910, The Dance), stored at the Ermitage Museum (Russie)
15. Robert Delaunay - Rythmes (1934, Rhythms), stored at the National Museum of Modern Art (France) - the Centre national d’art et culture Georges Pompidou
16. Gustave Singier - Composition en bleu (1974, Composition In Blue), for sale at auction
17. Jean Hey - Triptyque du Maître de Moulins (1502, Triptych of the Master of Moulins), exposed within the cathedral Notre-Dame-de-l'Annonciation of Moulins (France)
18. Paul Cézanne - La Montagne Sainte-Victoire vue de la carrière Bibémus (1897, Mont-Sainte-Victoire seen from the Bibemus Quarry), stored at the Baltimore Museum of Art (United-States)
19. Gustave Caillebotte - La Villa Rose, Trouville (1884, The Pink Villa), private collection
20. François Rouan - Cassone I (1976), stored at the Fabre Museum (France)
21. Claude Monet - Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe (1866, Luncheon on the Grass), stored at the Orsay Museum (France)
22. Auguste Renoir - Bal du moulin de la Galette (1876, Dance at Moulin de la Galette), stored at the Orsay Museum (France)
23. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - La Danse au Moulin-Rouge (1890, At the Moulin-Rouge, The Dance), stored at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (États-Unis)
24. Antoine Caron - Auguste et la Sibylle de Tibur (1578, Augustus and The Sibyl of the Tiber), stored at the Louvre Museum (France)
26. Robert Delaunay - Tour Eiffel (1926, Eiffel Tower), stored at the National Museum of Modern Art (France) - the Centre national d’art et culture Georges Pompidou
27. Georges de La Tour - Le Nouveau-Né (1648, The Newborn), stored at the Beaux-arts of Rennes Museum (France)
28. Claude Monet - Les Nymphéas (1926, Water Lilies), stored at the Orangerie Museum (France)
29. Georges Seurat - Un dimanche après-midi à l'île de la Grande Jatte (1886, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte), stored at the Art Institute of Chicago (United-States)
30. Paul Gauguin - Femmes de Tahiti (1891, Tahitian women), stored at the Orsay Museum (France)
31. Georges Braque - Le port de La Ciotat (1907, The Port of La Ciotat), private collection